Money Dedicated to Climate Action

Andreea Rodinciuc, an analyst, discusses Future 500's Force for Good Forecast 2019, an annual handbook that lists the 10 most important rising trends in social and environmental advocacy.

One of the trends listed in the handbook is Trend #10: The 2020 Opportunity, where they explained how the initial injection of funds would hit the ground this year and spur escalating advocacy and action.

Rodinciuc notes how more money is flowing in to fund climate advocacy and activism. She shares examples, such as Michael Bloomberg pledging $500 million to his new Beyond Carbon campaign, Leonardo DiCaprio's collaboration with billionaire investors Laurene Powell Jobs and Brian Sheth to form Earth Alliance, and Rory Kennedy, daughter of Robert Kennedy, and petro-heiress Aileen Getty, who launched the Climate Emergency Fund.

Rodinciuc advises that private-sector leaders must prepare to engage with their critics, and position themselves for leadership—before this opportunity flips to risk. She offers tips how to get started straight from Future 500's Force for Good Forecast. Read the Entire Article